Dania Kamal


Marco Gugliucciello


Jacqueline Lee


Jesse Gilbert


Kim Cheung-Quenneville


Vibhuti Paladiya


Caiti Murray


Doug Hayter


Jennifer Cachola


Nicki Kinrys


Kendra Plantt


Bryan Kane


Mary MacLeod


Strong RBF. Big heart.


Rittee Prak


Dalila Pascoal


Paints watercolours occasionally when inspired.


Erin Howes


Erin started playing the saxophone in grade 2 (and the instrument was bigger than she was)


Timothy Welsh


An international surfer. Has surfed on three continents.


Alana Dyer


Sanna Kula


Ryan Reynolds is my spirit animal.


Luis Guzman


Ali Gayowski


John Pace


I wrote and recorded three studio produced albums before the age of 18.


Solo Gritskiv


Has moved houses 12 times in my lifetime!


Catherine Sabourin


Jeremiah McNama




Best friend’s a cat; is more cat than dog.


Erica Henry


Nimy Leshinski


Comes from a long line of Polish royalty. Still somehow poor.


Allison Lochhead


Once took a selfie with Justin Trudeau. My mom framed it.


Samantha Ward


I love antiquing. My greatest find? A watch owned by a Canadian Prime Minister.